Wednesday, September 7, 2011


 I have much to say and I really do not like writing it all down so it is just so much easier to type it here. So here it goes...

There are many times when I am honestly just wondering what's to come next, especially when I keep getting hit with curve balls. After August ended I felt exhausted, and I continually asked myself when will it be time to rest and be able to genuinely feel happy again. There are times when we all just come to a point when we realize we need help. We cannot keep going on exhausted anymore. I have come to this point recently. I don't want to do it alone. I need Jesus and I need to reach out. There was a song I was listening to about times. Times when we are broken, times when we mend. Times when we feel like we are alone and times when all we feel is silence instead of answers. Tenth Avenue North wrote a song about times in which the lead singer talks about empty he is and how much he needs to hear God's voice and feel God's forgiveness and presence. The chorus and bridge is what God reveals to him. It is his encouragement through all the rough times. It has touched my heart and every night the words of this song has been replaying in my head. There are times when it feels that everything is chaotic but all you can hear is silence. Has anyone been here before? Recently, I have felt that God has been silent and I wondered why. This song reminds me that even though there are periods of time of silence God is still there. He never forsakes us and he is truly there in every season and in every time.

Times: Tenth Avenue North

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