Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Year: New Part of the Journey

It has been a while since I have written anything, that is mostly because I have been so busy trying to figure out things in my life. School this semester has caused me to ask questions I have never asked before such as " What is the purpose of this degree I am working hard towards?" I have wondered " Where exactly am I wishing to go after my education?" These are questions that every undergraduate asks, however, just recently they have become all I can think about.

I remember when all that was important to me was to love and worship God, be liked, to learn how to sing, and to know how to make my mom's homemade spaghetti, and now it seems like I am entering a whole new realm of responsibility and inquiry.  One that I cannot say I am excited to enter into.

Just last year, I decided that I would start trying new things, opening my mind to new ideas and possibilities making the most of each day. I realize with new possibilities come new choices to make. Some easier than others. 

By March I have to know if I am going to do the honours program, graduate a year early or do an exchange program for a year. Too many other options exist that would exhaust my brain so these are the ones I have it narrowed down to. Who knows maybe I could go to another province and do a year there. The world is full of possibilities. Question that plagues my mind is how do we know which possibility to take hold of and run with?

Any thoughts?