Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thankfulness List 2010

Thanksgiving lists have been interesting to read this year, for everyone of them has been different. I thought I would do a list as a way of remembering to truly never take anything for granted. This is what I came up with:

1) My relationship with God- continuously growing and becoming stronger.
2) A beautiful sister aka Boo Boo who always cheers me up no matter my mood :)
3) A family that loves God and is always supportive of each other.
4) A bed that I can cuddle in after every long day..
5) Friends who I can always count on and who always seem to know me better than myself (Ashley, Katie, Chantelle, Danielle, Raymond, DJ,  and so many more).. THANKYOU
6) My uncle's pumpkin pie that literally makes me mmmm so loud it makes everyone laugh around me :p
7) Maya and Alyssa Blais who always run and give me a hug when they see me, always making me feel special and who make me tingle inside :)
8) Jodi, for being so loving, funny, and full of hugs and harmonies to share xoxoxo
9) Tammara, she is the one person who does more than I could ever imagine doing, but still ends up inspiring those around her (including myself) and always has time for being a mama to not only her own kids but to many kids within NCC. (Thankyou Mama T!)
10) Morning jogs because they help clear the mind and give the body a good energy boost, before a long day (except when you get locked out.. thanks a lot mom :p)
11) I am thankful for my music team who continues to grow with me, expanding the boundaries, becoming closer than ever!
12) Ashley-Rose Cliffe, she always makes sure I am ok, and always encourages me to stay true to who I am. LUV YA GURL xoxo
13) Justin B, he always seems to make me laugh and yet he continues to inspire and teach me and he even puts up with my sarcasm (probably because I have to put up with his :P )
14) Hot chocolate on a chilly day, it satisfies in more ways than one :P
15) Kids, I love having the kids from the church come up and give me a hug especially knowing that I am someone special in their lives :)
16) My education. It is amazing to me how many people from other countries, and or backgrounds, who don't have the proper education or even opportunities for a good education. I am grateful for the educational opportunities, and for the chance to succeed that I have been given.
17) Chocolate( especially Lindor), it makes life worth it some days.
18) My voice, I am so grateful for the gift of music and song that I have been given, which has helped me express, and deal with some of the harder times in my life. Now I continue to develop my gift, and worship the one who gave it to me in the first place :)
19) Being single. It is a blessing in a sense for I just have to take care of myself. I also am growing and discovering things about myself, that I would not be able to do as much with a boyfriend( will be open to having one eventually especially just not at this current moment).
20) Recorded TV- I love being able to record shows and watch them later ( it makes it easier to not fight over the tv :)
21) My cell (as ghetto as it is)its my baby I am so addicted :s
22) My Dad, he is my family but he is also someone who continues to surprise me.
23) My ipod which makes taking the bus bearable, makes sleep come easy, and makes workouts fun.
24) My opa, he has changed due to his illness but has continues to prove doctors wrong :)
25)Finally, I am thankful for Starbucks and my Aunt Shirley- who is addicted with me. It makes it easier to spill my guts, or get through a long day when I am drinking a pumpkin spiced latte or iced chai tea latte and enjoying the beautifully made lemon poppyseed cake (can anyone say amen to that? :p

So 2010 has been a great year thus far. A big thank you to everyone who has been with me through this year and has come out on top :)

Now to go enjoy the leftovers... mmmm good

1 comment:

  1. Awe I love you to!! hehehe You should check my blog in a min mine will be up :P
