Fear is often a seed that starts in the mind and it grows and plants into the heart then it produces fruit through our actions. Fear starts as a small doubt, and it can grow into something that becomes debilitating. It starts to take over your ability to make decisions, or takes over your opinion of yourself and alters what you think you are capable of and your strengths start to feel like weaknesses.
I have been studying two men that had to face fear head on. Daniel and David. Everyone knows about David. He faced Goliath and slew him with 3 small stones. Everyone knows that Daniel got thrown into a lion's den for his belief in God and not being willing to compromise his prayer life even if it would cost him his life. They both dealt with the possibility of dying based on their beliefs. But with belief comes doubt. It creeps in when you least expect it and it has the ability to grow into perpetuating fear. David was a boy of small stature. He had only slain bears and other predators of sheep before. He had no previous experience that would qualify him to take on Goliath. He must have had doubts. Daniel was a man who prayed to God everyday and when the decree was issued that no one was allowed to pray that would have caused some uneasiness and a doubt would have been present. The enemy is always on time with doubts in the face of adversity. The truth is the enemy plays dirty, he uses one's own thoughts and emotions to weaken our spirits. Sometimes he succeeds and other times he doesn't. What determines his success is our awareness of what we are thinking about. As Joyce Meyers puts it so eloquently, " The battle often starts in the mind".
In the bible, it says so as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7). It also says in Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (ESV). The bible tells us what to think about as well ," Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things (Phillipians 4:8 ESV). Our thoughts and what we are thinking needs to be in line with the word of God and his will. Anything outside of that needs to be cast out and not given power. I know this is easier said than done but it is possible with God. I have seen this to be true in my life and in the lives of others.
David and Daniel both had to face the doubt in their mind and increase their faith by meditating on who God is, before they could face the fear head on (lion's den or Goliath). We need to have victory in our thoughts before we can overcome fear. To face fear we must understand that we cannot give power to the thoughts that are keeping us bound. To not be afraid of what people think we must understand and live by how God sees us and his will for our lives. It is to put a stop in putting importance in others' opinion and see God's opinion as the opinion that ultimately matters the most (even when it may not be an opinion shared by anyone else). To not be afraid of rejection, it is to know his love for us and the promise that he will never leave or forsake us. Fear is in its essence is the opposite direction of faith. To conquer fear we must increase our faith. To do this is to meditate on God's word that gives power to our spirit, renews our minds and transforms our thinking to what God wants us to think. As Joyce Meyer puts it, where your mind goes the man follows. Simply put, you will follow your thoughts and where they will lead you. Choose to meditate on God's thoughts about you and the life he has for you and you will see yourself travelling down a wonderful path, a path of abiding in peace and one that is victorious and prosperous.
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