Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My God

Sometimes we need a reminder of who God is,  especially who he is in relationship to us. I have recently moved to a new city and to a new school. I have felt overwhelmed at times and when I get overwhelmed I think about God and his promises, also about who he is. Usually afterwards, I then feel comforted. I was doing the same thing today, but today it started to become a rhyme or spoken word. I started writing it down. The result was truly a beautiful representation of My God and still it doesn't do him justice. He isn't just a God he is our God. If you say that aloud boldly, the power that comes from owning that is remarkable. 

I am truly thankful today that we have the privilege to serve a God who is so intimate and loving, who builds relationship with us despite who we can be at times. It is a privilege and honor to be able to call him my God and own that in all its entirety. 

To be honest, it is a simple exercise to do,  just write about who God is to you. I encourage you to do it and see how amazing our God truly is in our lives and why it is a privilege to give him our lives and serve him so passionately.

My All Encompassing God 
September 2, 2014

You are my god who aligns the stars
You spoke the earth to be
You gave life by breathing it into me
You spoke my name to my earthly father
He then passed it on to me
You are my God who does not disappoint
You finish what you start
You constantly bring me joy and peace
You bring me to the place of security
You want to know me for who I am
But you won’t leave me that way
You help me walk through the fire
You fulfill my every desire
You bring life to my body when it is weakened
A body that you have created and know by heart
You are my provide the, giver of everything
You are my God who is all encompassing
You never cease to amaze me
You work all things towards my good
You never hold the bad against me
You see it nailed to the cross on your son
Your son who has provided me a new life
All is forgiven now I need not fear for eternity
For eternity is full of hope and joy for me
You are my God who calms stormy waters
You raise me up when I have fallen
You tell me that I am the apple of your eye
You fill up my well when I am dry
You sit with me when I feel alone
You comfort me when I am missing home
You are my God who can do all things
A god who never fails to bring mercy
You dish out unending grace constantly
You will not change even despite my inconsistency
You know my beginning from my end
Yet you remain faithful through the middle
You are the God the only God
A God that I have the privilege of knowing
You are God, a God I am thankful to call my God

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!!!!!! I know how you feel. I feel the same way. I could of not said anything better. He is everything to me.I would not have life without Him.To know that my children know God as real to them is all we have wanted for them, to know the intimacy and love that He has for us is amazing because we don't deserve it.I am so thankful to call Him my God and Father.
