Born human and a sinner.
Eternally righteous because of Him alone.
Saved by Grace and covered by His blood.
Apple of His eye and more valuable than gold.
Cherished because I am His precious daughter.
Loved unconditionally and reminded of it constantly.
Blessed with all spiritual and natural blessings.
Beautiful because I was created by the most beautiful creator imaginable.
A sister in family and in spirit.
Intelligent yet continually learning and improving.
Not where I want to be but thank God I am closer to where He is taking me and where I need to be.
Broken down but I am seeking restoration from Him who heals and mends the broken hearted.
Empty but I will be filled with his living water so I will never thirst again.
Thankful that I have a Heavenly Father that will never abandon me.Forgiven for my debt has already been paid.
Humbled and completely surrendered to Jesus.
Strong because of his strength that is within me.
Healed because of the stripes that he took upon his back.
Perserverer because He is victorious and He always picks me back up.
Determined to press on and let nothing stop me from sharing the gospel.
Conqueror because of Him who won the ultimate battle.
Singer and worshipper for He is good and worthy of my praise and adoration.
Masterpiece for I was created by the magnificent artist and creator.
Captivating and far from typical for typical is so overrated.
This is who I am now. My mistakes and my past even in sum do not change the way God sees me.
He sees me as righteous no matter what I do or say. He is the one that will see me through all the confusion and misery and through all the good times. He will help me figure this all out and He is the one that I turn to when I am fallen down and I need assistance to stand. He Is and always will be the one who at the end of the day will always love and see me as forgiven and will look past my flaws and sins and will find me lovable even if I cannot see it myself. I encourage anyone who reads this to remind themselves of God's unconditional love and grace and remind yourself of all the things you are because of Him and only Him. He is worthy of our undivided attention and affection. It just took me this long to truly understand and see myself from His perspective and not from the world's perspective. He is the one that will always be there and because of his loyalty I see that am never alone and that I will always have someone to turn to. I will share this love with anyone I see for this is what people need. This is what the broken and hopeless are hungry for. They are seeking what the world cannot give. So when all else fails come as you are to the one who will never turn you away. Trust me he is the only one that never will. That is something to celebrate and be thankful for in itself. Praise God!! Amen.
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