Thursday, September 1, 2011

Unconditonal love Impossible Except Through The Selfless One

How many times have I come to my breaking point? How many times have I fallen to my knees because I just don't have the strength to stand? How many times have I loved and felt empty for the love I received didn't satisfy?

This week I am on my knees broken and weary and at complete surrender. Why? Well it's simple people disappoint. They hurt us and they wound us, some arrows striking us at our core. Sometimes we have high expectations for someone and when they fail to meet them we realize that they are human and people make mistakes. We are human but is that an excuse? Why do we accept that cop out?

 I have come to realize depending on humanity usually comes with multiple disappointments. When we put total trust in our creator, our Heavenly Father, the realization we come to is that He never disappoints and He will never wound us like others do in this lifetime. I don't know who is reading this but whoever it is I want you to know that the love of God is the only thing that satisfies. It is the only love that is not selfish and it is the only love that gives no ultimatums. Love for others in this lifetime is usually conditional, dependent upon what you give, what you say, what you sacrifice and how you behave. This love is shallow. It doesn't even come close to satisfying our soul. I have been in numerous relationships with different people from different walks of life and I can say certainly that romantic love does not satisfy the thirst in our souls. We will always feel incomplete and unsatisfied certainly longing for more. Why do think so many relationships fail? I believe a huge reason they do is because we love selfishly and we become unsatisfied of what we are receiving. As soon as we realize our unsatisfaction, we no longer desire to stay in that relationship. We long for more and then we search for someone else to give that to us. The problem is that only God's love completely satisfies and quenches our thirst. When we are satisfied with His love above all other things that is when we have healthy relationships and stop looking for someone else to complete us. The void is filled we then become focused on blessing someone else with love and affection. 

 People do not know how to give unconditional love and I am included in this. For humanity cannot comprehend how to give love without any conditions or expectations to receive in return. When we give love we want to receive love. It makes sense. When someone wounds you and causes you pain do you give unconditional love and expect nothing in return? No apology, no acceptance just giving love and not expecting that person to return the love?

Honestly, I have seen clearly that as humans we are just not capable of giving this love without the help of the only selfless one. His name is Jesus. He is the only one that showed unconditional love and publicly at that by going to the cross and sacrificing himself. Without him, we cannot give unconditional love. We try, but it is usually still with the hope of receiving it in return and we usually fail or the love we give becomes selfish over time. We want our desires to be fulfilled and we want them to be satisfied right away. We are not always patient, and we do not forgive easily especially when the other person we need to forgive has wounded us deeply and has not apologized for the wound they caused. It becomes a challenge that seems impossible, that is because we cannot do it in our own strength. So for whoever is reading this, (mostly speaking to myself) I say that we need to consciously ask our Heavenly Father and the spirit in us (our helper) to show love and give but not expect anything in return. We need to learn how to be a blessing to others and love them like Jesus does. We need to seek after Him first and foremost in order to truly understand what true love is so that we can then show the world what it is and what pure love looks like. It is a love that is not self-centered. It is a love that we must share with everyone we can, because that is the only way for people and this world to truly be changed.

I have come to the point where I see that I am incapable of loving people I am close to without wanting something in return. It is easy to love, forgive and pray for people that you have no personal ties to for you give love not expecting much of anything in return. For we are not attached quite yet. But loving someone that we have invested into can only be done through Him who showed us what true love is.

Thank God that He is capable and in your weakness his strength is made perfect in you. So I challenge all who read this to seek after Jesus first and love like Him knowing that you need his capability and grace in order to truly love like Him. He makes loving the impossible possible. Only through him can we receive and give pure and selfless love that will satisfy eternally. 

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