So this weekend I went to work determined to be compassionate on the phones no matter what the situation was. I prayed before I started and I asked God to send me people who needed to hear about his love for them, people who wanted hope. That he did. One stuck out however, because this call had tears coming down my cheeks. For those that know me they know it takes a lot for me to cry, so this was one of those calls that God had sent for me.
It was a woman who went through hell and back due to someone stalking her. Her friends, family and herself were threatened. Her life has been flipped upside down by one individual who has no remorse and who is still not yet caught. She had spent money on lawyers and got no results. What had me was the fact that she was so faithful to God throughout all of it. She didn't even pray for God to change the situation all she wanted was justice, and for this man to be struck by the love of God and be changed forever. Fact is that this woman had incredible amount of strength and I knew she was dependent on God. Everything around her was falling apart but she remained faithful, and strong. She told me she used to complain to him about her situation but it was only when she stopped complaining did she find peace and restoration. Only Jesus can give the strength that woman has. She did not complain to me or what prayer for everything to stop she just wanted Jesus to show her what to do next. She was determined not to let her emotions and fear of one man keep her from what the Lord has for her.
I have never wanted to hug anyone or bear any one's pain like I wanted to hug her and bear hers. I truly feel that the Lord used me as an intercessor (someone to bear her pain for a short while to give her a break). He put that pain on me temporarily. I was placed in her shoes. I felt her tears, I felt her chest pain, I was shown the fear that the woman had dealt with everyday. I was also shown the forgiveness she had for this man. She wanted justice but not revenge. She wanted the Lord's help to 1) remain strong 2) for the pain in her body (due to accidents the stalker caused) to go away 3) she wanted to know her next step.This story touched my heart because I have complained over silly things these past few weeks as I am sure anyone who reads this has probably done as well. We complain about dishes not being done, house not being clean, relationships that are not perfect.. needless to say we complain. I am honestly going to have to hit myself the next time I complain.
The Lord showed me that complaining just prolongs the annoyance/suffering. He wants us to be thankful for what we do have and trust him to figure out the rest. Yes I said it.. let HIM figure it out NOT YOU. Fact is that it is human nature to complain when we do not get things we want. We also try to make it happen by either annoying someone to do what we are asking them to do or sulking until it is done. But the fact of the matter is IT DOES NOTHING but aggravate those around us and ourselves. Is it worth it??
So I challenge you and myself as well... the next time you have a bad day or someone annoys you or makes you angry, either rant to a mirror or choose to run to God so that he may give you peace instead of complaining which just brings aggravation. Choose to let him fix the situation instead of taking it upon yourself. When we surrender it to him that is when we begin to see progress and change.
For all those people in relationships this is for you:
In trying to get our own way, we should remember that kisses are sweeter than whine. ~Author Unknown
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