Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ashes to Beauty

 I was thinking a lot about the things lately in my own life that I have pushed aside and not dealt with, either because I wasn't ready or because I did not know how to go about it. Have you ever felt like the negative things such as bad habits in your life seem to be a result of the ashes from the past mistakes and things that have not been dealt with? Pressing forward can often be difficult when undealt issues and past emotions start resurfacing. I am talking about the things in our lives that we try to hide from others or ones that we know have not been conquered. I know my biggest one has been commitment and openness in relationships. This has affected my life in many ways and now I have finally grasped a truth that I would like to share.

 I have had a hard time being committed to people and it has been a struggle to trust others. However, lately the Lord has revealed to me his love and commitment towards me even before I was in the womb he approved me. He saved me through a very dark time in my life and he has been a constant in my life. It is amazing to me how the love of God can turn even the coldest heart, bring light to complete darkness and bring joy in despair. He has taken my ashes and in turn given me beauty. He has taken the things that at one point bound me and he has set me free from them and given me a beautiful testimony. What I love the most is something I found in Isaiah 61:1-3 is he " grants consolation and joy to those who mourn-to give them an ornament of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a heavy burdened and failing spirit... that he may be glorified. "

He takes our ashes, things of our past and uses them to bring beauty. Nothing is hidden from the Lord he will take the things undealt and help you deal with them and it will bring glory to his name. Beauty in God's eyes is in everything he has created and it is in seeing where we are now from where we have been.

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