do you do when you feel like you are running on empty? Everyone is counting on you to be their support. Everyone is expecting your best. All you see is that you are running on
empty and running low on time. You are lacking finesse and you clearly feel drained from trying to keep
pressing on. Do you still try to do it all knowing something will eventually fall through the cracks? Or do
you fall to your knees and cry "Abba Father"?
I have come to know what it means to be empty and at my end. This past week I have heard the moans of hunger. I have seen exhaustion take its toll on the students that ACTION is sponsoring. The school visits took more from me than expected. I heard the issues in the education system and I have seen the lack in proper resources and staff that the schools are trying to work with. I heard the complaints and the cries of the headmaster for more students to be sponsored. He said, " There are so many students like the ones you have already seen today that are also struggling and they feel helpless. They need a helping hand." His words caught me and I left not knowing what to reply. I think I mumbled we will keep praying for more resources.
Can you imagine hearing so many groans and not having the resources to give to fix the problems?
I have seen hungry children with distended stomachs and all I could do was pray for them and offer what little food we could give to them. Every school visit revealed a food shortage and it revealed that many students are walking miles and miles to get to school every day on an empty stomach. It took everything in me to not cry. So I gave them all I could give, encouragement from the Bible. I showed them the book of life that keeps giving and never goes empty.
Every visit ended with praying for the students, the school, and the staff. We prayed that God would continue to provide the strength to press forward and keep striving towards their goals. We prayed for endurance and for God’s will to be done in their lives. We could not feed them. All we could do in that moment was take their picture and remind them that they have prayer warriors praying for them and believing in faith with them. Honestly, it didn’t feel like enough. I know the word was food for their souls but I really wanted to feed their stomaches too. How does one leave people hungry?
For weeks now it has been difficult to eat. I have dealt with stomach issues and a deep sense of hunger that food does not satisfy. The pain of knowing people all around me are working ten times harder than necessary just to eat and provide for their families was too much for me to bear alone. All I could do was fall on my knees and cry out God to bear the burden with me. I couldn’t change anything overnight. I knew I would have to depend on the one who has the bigger picture in front of Him, who knows every detail and every problem of everyone. I had to trust my Abba Father. So I ran into my room, shut the door and poured out my cries to Him. I let every tear fall. I didn’t hold back.
God has given me a new set of eyes to see the brokenness around me. Any ignorance is gone. I no longer have the right to ignore the issues. If I cannot fix the problem I can pray. I can ask God to show me the ones around me who need to see the light that is within me. I can share the gospel, meet the needs I can meet and trust God to see His plan fulfilled. To reach one’s end you must be willing to admit you cannot bear the burden(s) on your own.

This is the hope of the world. He came to save us. He provided the way to eternal life free from poverty, sickness, shame and other consequences of evil. Let’s rejoice this weekend and praise God that we have a hope in this life here on Earth. We can come and drink of living water and never thirst again. We can exist within this world but be set apart. Praise God and rejoice for Christ is raised from the grave! He overcame death so we can experience life abundant. Let’s not waste this precious gift.
If you are feeling empty this week come before your God. Put yourself in the mindset in which you are sitting at the foot of the grave. You see the stone rolled away and like Mary Magdalene you are first afraid. However, then the Lord’s presence sits with you and reminds you of the truth: Your Saviour is Risen! He is ever waiting. He wants to forgive you, bless you and make you whole. He will take your burdens and renew your strength. He loves you! He wants to raise you to life! This is the Good News that we have the privilege of sharing with others!
Please do enjoy the family dinners and have a splendid weekend celebrating, Just remember to take some time this weekend to remember what Christ has done for you. Let us not forget no matter where we are that we can live victoriously! We can be at the foot of the grave and see the glorious empty tomb. Death was defeated. We are alive in Christ and we can rest assured He is still greater than anything we face.
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