This is for all those who are struggling with living day to day not knowing what tomorrow brings. This is for those who cannot say where they will be or what they will need to face. This is for all those who are hurting, and who cannot see past the sins of today. God is reminding us, "Be still and know that I am God." You do not need to worry or fear for tomorrow or today. He knows it all and He is with you waiting for you to come to him and rest in the fact that you are unknowing but He is all knowing. He will give you the strength, the courage and everything you need to face today and the tomorrows of this life. This is a reminder to us all that He is God we need only to rest and trust that He is faithful and He will never change.
Fill in your name here,
Be still and know that I am God. I will never betray you or forsake you. You may not know my plan but its been figured out beforehand. Let every day happen and trust that I have every detail worked out. I know the path that you will walk and I know the steps that you will take, and the mistakes that have been made and the ones you still have yet to make. I know what you are capable of and I know what you are capable of with me working through you. Do not let the trials overwhelm your soul. Rest and know that I am God. I am your Father, creator, the one who knows your every thought. I know that you are weary and need rest, I have prepared for this. I know that you can't make sense of it right now but know that I am God.
I will walk through the valley alongside you and comfort you through every dip and rejoice with you through every victory. I know where there is a resting spot where you will refill and replenish. I know every moment in which you become dry and need my living water. Be still know that I am God. The God of everything, the God who will satisfy your every thirst and provide for your every need. I am the lover of your soul, the healer and restorer. I know you may not know where the next step will take you and what the next day will bring but I know. Be still and know that I am your God the author and finisher of your faith. You need not know what the next day will bring for I have already set things in motion. I have sent you help. I will be your peace. I am God. Trust that the battle has already been won. You have the victory. You will not perish when you are with Me, your God.
I do not condemn I uplift. I take all things and work it for my good. My love is unfailing and unchanging no matter the foolish things you have done and will do. I have forgiven you of all sins. I will continue to forgive you and love you even when others walk away from you. Be still and know that I am God. I am the only God. Assuredly I say to you that I will not leave you in the valley. I will move the mountains and calm the raging seas. I will ease your doubt and remind you that I am God. I am always here for you. Believe in Me. Love and trust and know that I am God. Be still rest in this truth. Hold onto every word.
Lover of your Soul
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