I was sitting down and eating breakfast when I looked upon my fridge at the grocery list pad. The title is All Out Of, hence the title of this blog. It made me think of what I am all out of in my life. Sometimes, there are moments when everything seems clear and bright days are a plenty. Other times there are feelings of emptiness and we feel that we lack things of significance such as hope and joy. I was reflecting on the emptiness that exists within humanity and the void that is never filled until Jesus fills it with his unconditional love and goodness. At times, I forget how much I have in the one who filled the void inside of me. I will feel like I lack if I am dependent upon my own strength and provision. I will always see myself as having little if I do not look through the eyes of faith. In Christ I have all good things. This I was reminded of as I sat down for breakfast. It never ceases to amaze me how a situation or day can seem bleak through our own eyes, and that as soon as we have eyes of faith and trust in our saviour and provider, we can truly be thankful and joyous again. A change in perspective can turn an entire day around. I found that out today.

A simple grocery list made me create a list of things I felt I lacked at this time in my life. The Lord encouraged me to instead crreate a list of what I have in Him. I encourage all of you to do the same.
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