Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cry For Help

For anyone who is reading this I want you to know that if I have looked okay or seemed okay, I am not.
This is the only place where I can say what's on my mind without the looks of pity or shock looking back at me. I have done everything I know how to do and I realize I am not capable of getting myself better. I have tried but I am failing. So I give up. There is a better way and I have been avoiding it. I need to stop avoiding the pain and start dealing with it. I thought I was. But I obviously am not. So I need to surrender my pain to God and just let go of the secret and the burden I have been carrying.

Is it wrong to want to avoid pain and act fine? No for its a human thing. But I do wish I could do the right thing and have the courage to face the truth.


  1. You have the strength to do ANYTHING within you. Hold fast to the hope born in the light that is deep within your heart, that was placed there by your daddy-creator-God.

    Sometimes people don't understand why you have to do certain things to get better, especially if they don't know your story, but He does, and He holds you as you do what you need to do, to become the woman He created you to be.

    Much love little sister.

  2. The Greatness within you shall rise up, leaving all of the undone, up heaved, overturned behind.
