Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What's Next???

Have you ever felt like you were just waiting for something to come to you? Feeling as if you had no idea what your next step would be?

I know today has been one of those days. I finally finished my last exam, and that concludes my first year at Brock University. It feels surreal. It feels like a weight has been lifted, and that I am free to start focusing on me again. So as I am sitting here, I am realizing that it has been about school and work for so long.. that I have forgotten how to have fun and do things I enjoy, without feeling guilty. It's like for once, I am free to do whatever I want and yet I don't even know what that is......

Everyone has responsibilities doesn't matter what roles you play. My role was a student, but now as a student I must prepare for september, when it all starts again. Everyone around me asks " what's your next move," and to be honest it seems like lately I have been asking myself the very same question. Everyone around me knows I am determined, and a hard worker, but not everyone sees the side of me that constantly is unaware of what's to come. In God's word it says do not be troubled about the future, focus on the present. I obviously paraphrasing, but the point still remains that we must not worry about the future and our next move, for the Lord orders our steps and will guide us to where we must go.

My next move.. will be to trust in the Lord to guide me, and to trust in his word. He knows where I need to be, so I must listen for his instruction. Eventually I will know where I need to be.

Until then, I think I am just going to keep on living :)

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