Regard this
beautiful young woman who is about to lead with grace and humility. She is
unafraid of what obstacles that lie ahead for the evening for she is reminded
of who is truly in charge. She remembers He has never let her down and He continued to surprise her with
unconditional love and grace to surround her through the times where the
insecurity was striking at her core. He has walked beside her through the days
of initial planning. He was there when tears were streaming down her face because the fear of failure and disappointment was so overwhelming. Always by her side He remained. He
has never hesitated. Not once has He pulled away his support. She knows she can
trust Him.
This evening
is her victory cry for she has not backed down and she is determined to let faith guide her. He has given her the victory and she knows He has already gone
before her and made sure everything was in place. He has set the stage for his
faithfulness to be revealed and for her to know she has all she needs through
His provision. As she sings every note she is reminded of the love of her
Heavenly Father. She is aware of His presence and knows that He is watching
over her. She knows He is the conductor and that she is the obedient instrument He is
using for His purposes.
The young
woman appeared fearless as she boldly spoke about her journey to travel to
Malawi to be a voice of hope, love, and grace. He has prepared her for this
journey and He does not leave his warriors unequipped. He is strengthening her
from the inside out to stand for the voice of truth in the midst of a sea of
lies. He has seen her fall and He has lifted her out of the pit of despair.
Tonight He has seen her vulnerability be revealed in a way that brings him
glory. He has torn down the barriers and filled her heart with unconditional
love for people. It is apparent on stage
that a shift is happening within her. She must sense He is taking her to
another level.
She is inviting people
to join her in proclaiming that Christ is the hope of glory to the broken world.
Her passion is contagious. People in the room are attentive and she knows He is
tugging on heartstrings. She continues to keep singing and bring glory to
her Heavenly Father. She sings every song with heart and soul and brings the
audience on the journey with her. Her friend truly believes in his heart that
she is ready for the next leg of this journey and his support and encouragement
to her is truly sincere.
The next song is bringing her to another place. She is
clearly singing it as a conversation to someone she loves dearly. She believes
wholeheartedly that she can look to him for all she needs. She is convicted that He is her strength at all times.
brokenness unveiled, her strength revealed. The courage she has shown has inspired the audience to be moved with compassion. They are seeing firsthand the emotional release as she gives her everything over to Him.
This vibrant young woman is a powerhouse. She holds nothing back and gives of her self generously. She is not worried about what people are thinking about her. Only His opinion matters in the here and now.
She knows she is supported. She rewards the audience by breaking out
of her shell and allowing them to see her goofy and feisty side. Many of her layers
displayed tonight reveal the transforming process. An internal change within her is occurring. No one can keep her soul from taking flight.
The overall conclusion is simple: He will
continue to use her for his glory. He is not done with her yet.