Today in church a beautiful woman, whom I have never met before, approached me and asked,
"When do you leave for Guatemala?" I replied, " Less than two weeks."
She of course then asked "How old are you?" I replied "Nineteen going on twenty this december."
Then the big question, "So how then will this affect your life?"
That one got me for some reason. Of course I am excited to go and I know this will be life-changing, and I could sure use a getaway with God and some close friends, but how would this missions trip to Guatemala affect my life...
My only response at the time,"Hmm I guess this for me is one of life's many turning points for me," was my reply.
I am looking back to that simple conversation with a woman I only know by face, and I swear she barely knew me at all, just drumming up some conversation by the coffee bar. I felt in my heart that she was asking a question to bring my focus back onto why God is sending me to Guatemala in the first place.
I had not planned to go on any mission trip, and when I hear that there was a mission trip to Guatemala I simply shrugged it off. Surely this was not the right time financially.
However, God had other plans for on a wednesday night prayer service he opened my eyes to see that financial restraints could not keep me from Guatemala for God would make a way. It is his purpose for me in this season of my life. He made a way. I have now more financial prosperity that I could have ever dreamed of or expected. People have given so generously and blessed me. People I barely knew poured out their love and encouragement and have given more than I expected to recieve from them. It goes to show that when God says he will make a way, he gives tenfold over and he does it in ways that we don't always expect. It is not just words heard now I truly believe He is my provider. However, I had to do my part and send out letters and ask for support. Then he took care of the rest. They gave to me out of a grateful heart. For some, all it took was my excitement and gratefulness to have the opportunity to go, that they wanted to support me. I call to remembrance one time specifically receiving a check in the mail from someone I have barely spoken to in months. I know that God opened his heart. So all this to say, I have been tremendously blessed with people who love and support me and just want to fellowship with me and truly see what God is doing through me.
So now back to why I am going. It is simply because I need to go. I have been exhausted lately and I was telling Mark at church that I could sure use some healing and rejuvenation, and what better way then to minister to people God's love and healing power. Seeing others receive will in turn cause me to receive. Being a blessing to others is a blessing to self. The work that my team and I will be doing will be bringing the love of Jesus to people and sharing our hearts and passion for God with them in hopes of them receiving Jesus as their Lord and saviour. So I am going not for a vacation from reality, rather to step into others' reality and meet them where they are at with the love of God and the truth that He sets the captives free, gives strength to the weary, and healing to the brokenhearted. It will truly be a monumental experience. I am excited to see what God will do through me and to me.
Thank you to all those who supported me and the team. I am truly blessed by knowing all of you and I cannot wait to share and fellowship with you soon.